Just wanted to let you know that the event today was extremely well developed, well planned, comfortable and enjoyable. I’ve attended previous similar San Diego based RBA seminars, and they’ve become more professional, businesslike and both well informed and useful. I’ll be attending many more

The CEAcademy: Live Classroom
Style Education Events
CE Academy hosts live, classroom style seminars throughout the country each year, assisting design professionals in satisfying state and association requirements. In addition to providing a diverse agenda of subjects, we’ll also provide breakfast and lunch, report attendance for credit, and issue certificates of completion. Attendees can receive up to 8 credit hours for each engagement. In addition to AIA HSW/ LU credit hours, many seminars will also deliver GBCI, ADA, PDH, and other sought-after credits. CEA also provides virtual, multi day web series events, similar to our national webinars, but regionally focused.
At each of our full-day events, CE Academy provides 6-9 hours of AIA-registered courses, in a comfortable and singular setting, and includes a hot breakfast and lunch. Maintain your state license and credentials with AIA, USGBC, and other associations. By attending our live events, design professionals will enjoy a diverse agenda of subject matter, with live interaction and opportunities to engage representatives from some of the industry’s leading manufacturers and associations, such as Structural Insulation Panel Association, the American Society of Concrete Contractors, the Lightning Protection Institute, and others. We accurately track attendance for each presentation, report attendance for credit to AIA and the USGBC, as well as issue certificates of completion for your personal records and self-reporting. For additional information, please contact Christopher Massey using the form on this page
Visit CE Academy