How No-Cost LEED Exam Prep Can Help Building Product Reps Succeed

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Dec 12, 2018
How No-Cost LEED Exam Prep Can Help Building Product Reps Succeed

Several building product manufacturers still have no sustainability expert or advocate in 2018. It’s hard to believe that there are still major product manufacturers and many small to medium sized companies that have nobody on their team that is versed in LEED or green building. The companies that do have sustainability champions and LEED professionals on their staff usually have greater specification opportunities than those who have nothing. Let’s review how no-cost LEED resources can help product reps succeed.


If your company has never been specified on a LEED project and doesn’t care about this segment of the AEC industry then this article is not for you. However, I still talk to plenty of manufacturers who are getting pummeled in the marketplace because they don’t understand LEED. Their websites and brochures are dead giveaways that they are behind the times. Whenever I see a manufacturer website that is still using LEED v3 or LEED 2.2 credits for their products I know they’re in trouble.

LEED v4 launched in 2013. If your website is still using LEED credit information from 5-10 years ago, you’re in trouble. It can be helpful for some LEED project teams to still be able to access LEED v3 product data for projects still ongoing; however, product manufacturers need to update their LEED information to reflect LEED v4.

Health Product Declarations (HPDs)

Another weakness on manufacturer websites, is if they don’t contain a Health Product Declaration. The HPD is one of the most requested specification tools in the industry. Manufacturers who have HPDs have a much better chance of getting specified on LEED v4, WELL, and CHPS projects than those that don’t.

Product reps that are attempting to get their products specified on a LEED v4 project without having an HPD are sure to run into problems. Product reps are only as good as the work ethic, talent, and skills they possess combined with the resources they are provided by their employer. Imagine trying to get your roofing system specified on a $100 million-dollar university project with no 3-part guide specs. Not having an HPD for an interior product like paint, ceiling tiles, surfaces, etc. is certain death for a LEED v4 project.

LEED Exam Prep

What’s the solution for building product manufacturers who want to educate their product reps about LEED v4 without breaking the bank? How can product reps speak intelligently about their products in relation to LEED, HPDs, EPDs, and other topics? The answer is quite simple . . . no-cost LEED Exam Prep.

Free LEED Exam Prep can train your staff about LEED v4 and the latest green building principles. Even if your staff doesn’t go take the LEED v3 exam, they can still participate in training modules to learn about LEED v4 credits, how products contribute to LEED, and possible synergies with your products and the various rating systems. The best part is that your company doesn’t have to drop a penny. All of the resources are available at GreenCE for one rep or a hundred reps to participate free of charge.

How does your company currently train employees about LEED and your products green building benefits?

For more information or to discuss the topic of this blog, please contact Brad Blank