Sneak a Peek at Privacy Glass Solutions
About the Provider
VISTAMATIC is a pioneering designer and manufacturer of privacy glass solutions used in hundreds of hospitals, medical facilities, high-security environments, corporations and universities across the world for over 40 years. VISTAMATIC continues to lead the industry with innovative and cutting edge technology that is highly customizable. VISTAMATIC expanded into the United States in 2005 and has a presence coast-to-coast in 49 states with over 3,000 projects.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the purpose and common applications of privacy glass options for observation control windows, doors, and walls
- Explain the key features of blinds between glass, non-electric privacy glass, micros shading systems and switchable glass with respect to construction, operation, design options, and maintenance
- Discuss how privacy glass solutions can play an important role in an effective infection control plan
- Describe how blinds between glass, non-electric privacy glass, micro shading systems and switchable glass can be customized to help manage light transmittance, sound control, and security
Provided By:
Available Regions:
Continental US
Design Category:
(08) Doors, Windows and Openings