On average, people use the restroom six times per day. Restrooms in a building largely reflect the design decisions you make. The purpose of this course is to make the case that a comprehensive design approach that integrates ADA design requirements, Universal Design strategies, and sustainable initiatives provides an inherently accessible and healthier restroom space for all users. "Total Design" encompasses all design practices that include a wide spectrum of usage for all people.

ADA & Barrier Free Courses:
Most Recently Added
If you’re looking for some insight on Accessible or Universal Design, or if your state requires ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) education for license renewal, you’re in the right place. Below is a list of ADA courses which meet the ADA/Barrier-Free CE requirements established by California and Texas. Learn about accessibility compliance, universal design principles, 2010 ADA Standards, and disability access requirements. Developed by the industry’s top experts, these ADA/Barrier-Free CE courses will get you up to speed on accessibility. Our ADA courses are also registered with the AIA for HSW credit.
You must provide a Presenter Bio Addendum when submitting your credits to the State of California. See the California ADA Education Requirements.
Learn about Doors, Signage, Counters and Seating and the ADA.
$35.00 |
An advanced discussion over toilet rooms according to the 2010 ADA Standards.
$35.00 |
In depth review of parking according to the ADA. The speaker will cover the definitions and learn about parking spaces and the number of accessible parking spaces required.
$35.00 |
Learn about accessible routes, what to know, what to look for.
$35.00 |
Learn the key things you MUST know regarding ADA compliance as an Architect and Engineer
$35.00 |
In this one-hour course, the design professional will review the ADA Standards for accessible design to determine how the codes were developed and more importantly, how they may be applied to building projects. We will discuss why design professionals should do more than minimally meet the standards and encourage design professionals to go a step further and apply universal design theories to projects to ensure that the needs of all individuals may be addressed in aesthetic and functional restrooms.