The Great Leap Floorward: Collaborative Monitoring Technology for Jobsites

The Great Leap Floorward: Collaborative Monitoring Technology for Jobsites

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Friday, April 26, 2024 Season 1, Episode 1

Join us for this one-hour Spec Shaman CE Podcast course conversation on monitoring technology for jobsite climate conditions. In this podcast, listeners will be introduced to the revolutionary ambient climate monitoring technology for construction sites, leveraging IoT sensors and user-friendly software. We will learn the origin story of monitoring technology and its impact on specification oversight on jobsites. Throughout this conversation, we will investigate the operation, product design and integral value monitoring technology offers building development and construction stakeholders. Our guest breaks down the hybrid sensor and software platform, its applications beyond floor spaces, and its implications for end user safety, risk management, and sustainable practices. We close with case studies and an expert’s insight, to gain a comprehensive understanding of how this technology enhances job site efficiency and productivity while mitigating common challenges to help secure manufacturer’s warrantees. By the end of the course, participants will appreciate the value of monitoring technology in ensuring optimal job site conditions and advancing construction industry standards.

Learning Objectives: 
  1. Explore the significance of monitoring technology for jobsites by examining its historical evolution, market demand, site-specific applications, and overarching safety benefits.
  2. Perform a comprehensive analysis of monitoring technology, including its product development, jobsite best practices, end user wellness and responsible materials management.
  3. Evaluate the regulatory standards, safety and specification oversight that inform the design and implementation of monitoring technology in construction projects.
  4. Analyze case studies to better understand the practical applications of monitoring technology, its impact on job site operations, safety protocols, risk management strategies, and project outcomes.
Design Category: 
(00) Special Topics
Podcast Host: 

Laura Elliott

Laura Elliott

As Podcast Host and Editorial Director at Ron Blank and Associates, Inc., Laura Elliott curates and oversees the creative direction of written content, ensuring a harmonious blend of style and substance. A champion of the industries at the heart of built environment, she enjoys crafting compelling narratives that move those industries forward. Her commitment to spearheading precision, integrity and authenticity fuels an integral collection of memorable content that fosters the connection between ideas and action.

Podcast Guest(s): 

Scott Banda

Scott Banda

Scott is responsible for overseeing the development and execution of the company’s growth strategy, and focuses on building strategic partnerships, expanding the product roadmap, and supporting the company’s customer community.

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