Podcast Guests by Sponsor Name

Podcast Guests by Sponsor Name

Our episodes are a blueprint for innovation, technology, and trends that are as solid as concrete. Each session is sponsored by a different maestro of materials, and we organize our guests with the precision of a well-drafted floor plan—by Sponsor Name. So, whether you're a seasoned pro with a hard hat or a curious newbie with a blueprint for a brain, join us as we drill deep into groundbreaking ideas, revolutionary concepts, and the latest advancements that are shaping the built environment. Tune in, and let's lay the foundation for a smarter, better designed world together!

Michael W. O’Connor

Managing Member, Michael has been in the industry since 1982, his experience started after college in the construction industry, Direct Sales Representative for a hardware manufacturer, Contracts Sales Manager, National Sales Manager, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, President and Executive Vice President &...

The SPC Alliance Podcast Series - s1e1: The Threshold of Specification: Door Hardware, Product Consultation and Spec Writing (Monday April 22, 2024)
Peter M. Sedgwick

Managing Member, Peter has been the industry since 1981, his experience has been in contract distribution, owner of a wholesale distributor, National Sales Manager in manufacturing. Manufacturer’s agent, Owner of a Manufacturers’ Sales Agency and Owner of Consultant Group.

The SPC Alliance Podcast Series - s1e1: The Threshold of Specification: Door Hardware, Product Consultation and Spec Writing (Monday April 22, 2024)
David Price

David Price has a unique background in the building systems industry, with a senior level of marketing communications and project management expertise with proven success in virtually every sector of the building systems market. His first position, back in the 80s, was as a Canadian marketing communications manager for...

The SPC Alliance Podcast Series - s1e4: Future Directions and Current Contexts in Door Control and Access Technology (Thursday November 14, 2024)
