S-Specs Outline

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S-Specs Outline is a “master” specification system; a series of templates used to develop short, simple, easily understood specifications for an architectural construction project. Specifications based on S-Specs Outline can be used for preliminary pricing specifications on projects of any size, and as final specifications on smaller projects.

This master system utilizes the MasterFormat classification system offered by The Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) and Construction Specifications Canada (CSC). This classification system uses 50 “Divisions” to arrange construction materials and activities into similar groupings such as concrete, masonry, or metals.

S-Specs Outline is a Microsoft Word document that is easily edited to suit a particular project’s needs. Optional text is included within brackets and identified by red text for easy identification and editing.

Following is an example statement from S-Specs Outline, Division 04 - Masonry:
"Concrete Masonry Units: ASTM C90, [light] [medium] [heavy] weight, placed in [running] [____] bond pattern, with horizontal reinforcing at maximum 16 inches on center."
