Smoke Containment Strategies for Elevator Hoistways & Lobbies

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Wednesday, June 18, 2025 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm EDT

This course explains how smoke migrated in a multi-story building fire and discusses how building codes have evolved to address this danger and why they mandate smoke containment in specific areas of a structure. Product applications and assemblies designed to meet building code requirements and limit vertical smoke migration via elevator hoistways and lobbies are explained.

Learning Objectives: 
  1. Explain the behavior of the fire and smoke in a mid- or high-rise building and how smoke migration can inhibit means of egress via elevator hoistways & lobbies and compromise the life safety of building occupants
  2. Discuss how the building codes address smoke control in multi-level buildings and the building design measure that must be taken to enhance occupant safety
  3. Evaluate and compare the product applications and assemblies designed to meet building code requirements and limit smoke migration via elevator hoistways and lobbies
  4. List building design and product configuration options that comply with building code requirements for egress planning
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