Fire Retardant Treated Wood in Single, Multifamily and Commercial Structures
About the Provider
Viance, LLC, formed in 2006, provides an extensive range of advanced wood treatment technologies and services to the global wood preservation industry. With expertise in wood biocides and wood protection chemicals, Viance is an industry leader in the development of advanced building material solutions and utility pole protection that improve the performance and durability of wood products.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the fire retardant features of FRT wood, and the difference between fire resistance and flame spread
- List the various types of FRTW and their specific applications
- Explain what the model building codes require, and how FRTW is specified
- Describe how FRT wood is manufactured, tested and certified
Provided By:
Available Regions:
Continental US
Design Category:
(06) Wood, Plastics and Composites