Advantages of Using Cover Boards in Low-slope Roofing Assemblies
About the Sponsor
National Gypsum Company, headquartered in Charlotte, NC, is the exclusive service provider of reliable, high-performance products manufactured by its affiliate companies and marketed under the Gold Bond®, ProForm® and PermaBASE® brands. The National Gypsum name has been synonymous with high-quality, innovative products and exceptional customer service since 1925. The strategic network of Gold Bond, ProForm and PermaBASE manufacturing facilities located throughout North America allows us to provide the best in customer service to keep your fast-paced projects moving forward. Whether you want innovative fire-resistant assemblies, enhanced acoustical performance or require additional abrasion or impact resistance, Gold Bond products deliver with a level of excellence.
Course questions/comments
This course will provide a brief overview of Low-Slope Roof Systems to provide the necessary background to discuss cover boards & thermal barriers. The various cover board types and reasons for their use will be described. Each board type will be discussed along with their primary features, benefits & challenges. The long-term performance of all low-slope roof systems is impacted by a number of external factors such as weather events and roof system abuse (natural & man-made). Important roof component performance criteria will be discussed and conclusions drawn, in order to increase your knowledge surrounding cover board selection.
Learning Objectives:
- Define the UL and Factory Mutual (FM) testing criteria related to roof performance in fire and wind events allowing occupants to be protected.
- Outline the importance of specifying the correct and appropriate products to meet specific UL and FM requirements ensuring public safety in the event of a fire or high winds.
- Describe the long-term acoustical performance of each roof system and the impacts of low acoustical performance on building occupants.
- Define the physical properties of gypsum coverboards and the systems that contribute to enhanced performance against wind uplift and hail damage to protect building occupants and interior equipment.
Design Category (CSI Division):
(07) Thermal and Moisture Protection
Delivery Format:
Narrated Video