Benefits of High Efficiency Gas Water Heaters: Tank & Tankless Commercial Applications

Benefits of High Efficiency Gas Water Heaters: Tank & Tankless Commercial Applications

To optimize the design and performance of commercial water heater systems, professionals should understand the difference between standard and high efficiency gas water heaters. Join us in this one-hour course as we cover the benefits of high efficiency gas water heaters and how to easily convert from standard to high efficiency. Participants will also learn methods for estimating hot water demands, best plumbing and venting principles, and emerging technologies for water heaters.

Learning Objectives: 
  1. Compare and contrast standard efficiency and high efficiency gas water heaters for energy consumption, cost savings, and environmental impact.
  2. Model best practices for converting from existing standard gas water heaters to high efficiency gas water heaters so projects remain cost-effective and time efficient.
  3. Determine the correct water heater for different applications based on time, temperature, and quantity to improve thermal efficiency and occupant comfort.
  4. Illustrate best practices for piping and venting multiple water heaters to ensure projects are safe and code compliant.
  5. Recall advanced and emerging technologies in water heating that improve on efficiency and building integration.
Provided By: 
Rheem Commercial Water
Available Regions: 
Continental US
Design Category: 
(22) Plumbing
Applicable Credits