Does your project need to step it up when it comes to stairs and safety? Join us in this one-hour course as we discuss prefabricated modular metal stairs, access platforms, and ramps that are as easy to reconfigure as they are to assemble. Participants will not only learn about relevant codes from OSHA, IBC, and ADA regarding stairs, ladders, and handrails, but they will also learn how to specify modular stair components and configurations to best facilitate code compliance and increase site productivity.

SixAxis manufactures innovative, compliance-driven safety solutions for customers across diverse end markets. At SixAxis, we like to figure out how to use the latest innovations to make safety products better. Founded in 2002, SixAxis has been designing, manufacturing, and installing revolutionary stair, fall protection, and bulk loading solutions for companies around the world.
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Step It Up: Increased Efficiency with Prefabricated Modular Stairs, Access Systems, & Ramps