Daniel Hughes

BIM Strategist/Specifications Specialist

Mr. Hughes serves as Bradley Corporation's BIM Strategist for the Bradley Building Information Modeling Initiative. He serves as a Specifications & ADA Specialist supporting Bradley Sales, Engineering, Marketing and Client Care Departments. Since 2002, he has provided technical and project consulting on more than $5 billion of client Revit projects, while providing in-depth Revit training to over 700 AEC professionals. He owned Autodesk Software Reseller-Consultancy for fifteen years and served nine years with five Wisconsin architectural and engineering firms. Mr. Hughes' printed works and accredited BIM CE educational presentations have served thousands of members from numerous AEC associations.

Register For One Of My Upcoming Webinars!

Specifying for Safety Emergency Eyewash & Shower Equipment
Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm EST
Presented By Daniel Hughes

This one-hour course provides an overview of the types and use of emergency wash equipment, the latest ANSI requirements that affect design, and tepid water requirements for emergency equipment.

  • 1 AAA Structured Learning Hour
  • 1 AIA HSW/LU CE Hour
  • 1 AIBD CE Hour
  • 1 ASPE CE Hour
  • 1 BOMI CPD Hour
  • 1 OAA Structured Learning Hour
  • 1 RCEP PDH for Engineers
  • 1 SAA Core Learning Hour