"I have been using Ron Blank & Associates for over 15 years to obtain CE credits for my Architecture License in NY."

Spec Shaman: Shaman Secrets
A secret is defined as something that is not properly understood or a mystery. The Spec Shaman blog offers critical insight into the mysteries of the building product specification process. The platform includes information about LEED v4, Health Product Declarations (HPDs), and getting specified. Sometimes blog posts don’t relate directly to any of those topics and find their home here. We hope to educate building product manufacturers about crucial information related to the construction industry. Guest bloggers are welcome. Please contact GreenCE for submission requirements.
On: Dec 21, 2018
In the architecture, design, and engineering world, TOTOUSA is known as the world’s largest toilet manufacturer. It began in Japan over one hundred years ago by Kazuchika Okuras as a way to develop a healthier and cleaner living space. Okuras had a vision after visiting Europe, before Japan was hit by the concept of public sewage systems, so in 1917 he founded Toyo Toki K.K. Eventually that became TOTO LTD. in 1970. |
On: Dec 6, 2018
"Trend" isn’t necessarily a word a manufacturer wants to have used to describe their product, when used in reference to short-lived fads. But Merriam-Webster defines the word at least four different ways in its noun form: a prevailing tendency or inclination; a general movement; a current style or preference; or a line of development. None of these mean short-lived or like a fad. |
On: Sep 18, 2018
Last week, Part 1 of this blog pair discussed the lack of accessible housing in America and explained the difference between accessible design, universal design, and equitable design. As a reminder, accessible design is a process in which all the needs of differently abled people are considered, specifically regarding how their access to everyday activities and living is made possible. |
On: Sep 14, 2018
Recently, a Ruth Bader Ginsburg quote was shared on social media. It said, “When I'm sometimes asked when will there be enough [women on the Supreme Court] and I say, 'When there are nine,' people are shocked. But there'd been nine men, and nobody's ever raised a question about that.” I am a middle-aged woman who has spent more of my life on the side of feminism and social equity than not, yet this quote blew my mind. |