Specifying Today's Cast Polymer Shower System
About the Sponsor
Founded in 1962 as one of the original cultured marble companies in the U.S., experience is a trademark at MPL. This experience is now focused on the hospitality , student housing, and multi-family housing markets. Seeing large projects through to completion is our forte. We at MPL Company understand the pressures on our customers to open revenue producing properties. Our commitment to outstanding customer service results in a loyal customer group. By focusing on customers, and not projects, MPL realizes significant repeat business. The experience factor starts with our sales representatives. Not only do our sales representatives understand the project requirements, they know how to coordinate order placement, delivery, and installation – on time. MPL’s commitment to you includes premium product features. Using the highest quality raw materials and unique production processes allows our products to withstand the unique challenges of a construction site.
Course questions/comments
There are many factors to consider when selecting the right cast polymer shower system. Knowing the benefits and drawbacks of the types of shower systems available can help make this decision easier. From hollow-wall products, to gel-coated lightweight panels, to composite solid surface, and Class-A fire-rated products, discover how commercial shower systems have evolved to meet your design needs.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify when to specify a cast polymer shower system and how it can improve the well being of occupants
- Describe the different types of shower systems and how they relate to performance, durability, cost, and the environment
- Discuss differing performance conditions, and cost considerations for your project
- Explain when Class-A fire rating or lightweight materials are necessary and how they can affect the well-being of building occupants
Design Category (CSI Division):
(10) Specialties
Delivery Format:
Slide Show - No Audio