In this course, we will gain insight into the growing need for and use of fire retardant treated wood (FRTW). We will explore both interior and exterior FRTW and discuss treatment options. Through a review of applications, codes and standards, the design professional will have a better understanding of how to incorporate FRTW into their next project.

Providing an extensive range of advanced wood treatment technologies and services to the global wood preservation industry, with an expertise in wood biocides and wood protection chemicals, Viance LLC is an industry leader in the development of advanced greener building material solutions that improve the performance and durability of wood and wood products for sustainable building.
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Protective treatments are important for any wood project, but all treated wood is not the same. Join us in this one-hour course as we discuss standards and guidelines for treated wood and preservatives in order to ensure wood projects are safe and code compliant. Participants will learn about important standards, testing methods, and applications that will help them evaluate treated wood for future projects.
Request One Of Our Lunch & Learn Presentations Below!
Fire Retardant Treated Wood in Single, Multifamily and Commercial Structures