AIA Courses Can Make or Break a Building Product Manufacturer

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Apr 4, 2018
AIA Courses Can Make or Break a Building Product Manufacturer

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school,” said Albert Einstein. AIA continuing education is one of the most significant tools a building product manufacturer can use to get specified. AIA Courses can make or break a building product manufacturer.

In a previous blog, Marketing Building Products: Perception Versus Reality, we discussed how architects, specifiers, and contractors evaluate building products based on several aspects. A building product may be specified based on the solutions it offers. What is the pain point? How will the product overcome an obstacle?

However, many times, perception plays a role in the product selection phase. Architects reviewing two different products may consider such properties as maintenance and warranty services, training for facility workers, or payment options. Architects may value these added benefits when making a decision even though the benefits may be less tangible than the aesthetic aspects. Perception is reality.

How AIA Continuing Education Increases Specifications

AIA continuing education can shape a designer’s perception of your products. How many times do you get a captive audience of decision makers who are educated about your amazing products? Online AIA courses, lunch and learns, and webinars can increase specification opportunities.

Changing minds takes time. How many doors have you knocked on to get five minutes with a decision maker? How many AIA lunch and learns have you delivered to get your product specified? Sometimes these activities don’t work and end in failure. Persistence is crucial for any successful product rep. Having the right infrastructure and programs in place is also crucial for success.

Online AIA courses are one of the most effective ways to reach the decision makers. Architects need to take several mandatory CE courses annually to maintain their state licensure, AIA membership, and other professional credentials. AIA education can help shape perceptions about your product’s benefits and applications.

Why Manufacturers Fail Getting Specified

Effective marketing is manipulating consumer’s perceptions. But how can you influence an architect’s perception when you don’t have the necessary tools? AIA continuing education is the most significant tool a building product rep has. Most manufacturers fail getting their products specified, increasing market share, and building brand awareness because they lack an AIA course.

Moreover, many manufacturers have an AIA course but are not maximizing their ROI. In a previous blog, How To Get Specified By Architects, we discussed how AIA education is the most effective and economical way to reach architects. However, many factors can affect the success of an AIA course. Course format, education platform, professional media, LEED v4 data, and product transparency documentation like Health Product Declarations (HPDs) should all be included to develop an effective AIA presentation.

Overall, an AIA continuing education course can make or break specification opportunities. How does your company maximize ROI with your AIA course?

For more information or to discuss the topic of this blog, please contact Brad Blank