Free Courses by Newest

Free Online Courses:
Newest Titles First

Think you’ve taken just about every course you can on What’s new, you ask? Here you’ll find a list of our newest courses for credit. We work together with our course sponsors and subject matter experts to bring you new and interesting programs on current, relevant building technologies and topics regularly. Be sure to check the New Courses list frequently to see what’s new! Don’t see any topics that interest you? Browse our comprehensive course list by clicking on the “CSI Division” button (right next to the “Newest” button).

Commercial Heat Pump Water Heater Split System

Commercial air to water heat pumps are the most efficient way to heat stored water. Join us in this one-hour course as we discuss the many benefits of commercial heat pump water heater split systems, such as increased sustainability and durability. Participants will be able to evaluate different heat pump systems and spe...

  • 1 AAA Structured Learning Hour
  • 1 AIA HSW/LU CE Hour
  • 1 AIBD CE Hour
  • 1 ASPE CE Hour
  • 1 BOMI CPD Hour
  • 1 OAA Structured Learning Hour
  • 1 RCEP PDH for Engineers
  • 1 SAA Core Learning Hour
